The Lotus Endowment Fund, Inc. is a 501c3 supporting foundation for The Sundari Foundation, Inc. and its initiatives, including the Lotus House Women’s Shelter. The Endowment Fund was formed to secure the financial stability and long-term viability of the Sundari Foundation, so the Lotus House will serve as a resource for women, children and youth in need for generations to come.

Capital Campaign for Lotus Village

The Endowment Fund has a capital campaign to raise $25 million over five years for Lotus Village. The Lotus House turns away over 2,000 women each year due to limited capacity. The Lotus Village has doubled our capacity from 250 women and children to 500 women, children and youth.

Donor Opportunities

The Endowment Fund offers donors the opportunity to establish a gift of life that keeps on giving, honoring loved ones and creating a legacy of giving for generations to come. Whether a room, a wing, a garden or sitting area, you or your loved ones can be honored in a very special way through naming opportunities at the Lotus House. Please click here for more information about Lotus Village and how you can help.

For more info please contact:

Constance Collins, President, (305) 613-1573

Julie Petricone,Vice-President, (305) 632-0033

Mailing Address:

Lotus Endowment Fund, Inc.
3921 Alton Road, #470
Miami Beach, FL 33140